
Molly's profile picture 8h00 / 8h00

Hey! I'm Molly, a 21 years old 42 Paris student.
I enjoy programming, and when I have free time or inspiration I enjoy adding useless but cool features on this website.
It is not very pretty *yet* but I'd love to make it look better one day. (functionality > design) I have some cool ideas for it.
You can check the source code of this website here and it is hosted on a server I own, and you can see its status below.

me summarized:

* I love to code in Go, C and C++ (also Python sometimes)
* I'm currently working on Belfast, a private server for Azur Lane
* I love low-level programming and systems programming
* I love networking, security and data science / machine learning
* Docker stan (containers are very cool)
* Fedora user
* I never do bug bounties but you can check my HackerOne profile
* I'm currently learning Japanese, you can see my progress on the right panel!


School projects

arachnidaRecursive spider bot that download all images of a site, EXIF parsing125%
boot2rootLinux CTF / reconnaissance / pentest a la HackTheBox121%
darklyWeb CTF (SQLi, XSS, Scraping)125%
ft_linear_regressionImplementation of a linear regression with gradient descent algorithm125%
ft_linuxlinux from scratch, with a few directivesWIP
ft_lssimple reimplementation of *nix's ls in CWIP
ft_onionCreating a Tor hidden service125%
ft_otpRFC 4226 (HOTP) reimplementation125%
ft_pingreimplementation of inetutils2.0's pingWIP
ft_ssl_md5reimplementation of md5 / sha256 algorithmsNot graded yet
mallocreimplement a memory allocator, drop-in replacement for mallocWIP
overrideLinux CTF (Advanced RE / binary exploitation)125%
rainfallLinux CTF (RE, binary exploitation, ROP, ...)125%
reverse_meReverse, reimplement and crack three x86_64 ELF binaries125%
snow-crashLinux CTF (RE, beginner exploits / reconnaissance)125%
stockholmImplementation of a crypto-locker (made in Golang)100%
webservReimplementation of a HTTP server in C++ (GET, POST, DELETE)110%

Blog posts


hard resources

soft resources


currently here................ [0]

listening to

album cover
No song playing - 0:00 / 0:00



hiraganas : 104/104 [100%]
katakanas : 104/104 [100%]
learning streak : 43

weather @ paris


clear sky